Master Excel in 30 Days
with the

Fully utilize Excel with confidence, efficiency, and effectiveness WITHOUT sacrificing months or even years of precious time.

By the end of the month...

You’ll be confidently utilizing functions & formulas, building effective pivot tables, and using advanced shortcuts, allowing you to complete your Excel tasks in minutes instead of hours.

Enroll Now

Are you tired of…
  • Feeling stuck in your career, realizing that more advanced Excel skills could open up new opportunities?
  • Feeling anxious staring at spreadsheets knowing you're handling Excel tasks inefficiently?
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the vast array of formulas, functions, and features in Excel, not knowing where to start?
  • Feeling frustrated spending hours manually completing tedious, repetitive Excel tasks by hand?
  • Feeling helpless, always depending on coworkers to bail you out of your Excel predicaments?
  • Constantly feeling trapped in the endless cycle of Googling every Excel challenge?

Path to Excel Excellence


The fastest & only step-by-step online course for mastering Excel and becoming a confident, efficient, and effective user in just 30 days.

After completing this course, you'll be able to:
Show up to work with confidence

Become the go-to Excel expert in your office, ready to tackle any challenge with expertise.

Save hundreds of hours every single year

Complete your Excel tasks more efficiently, freeing up hours of your time for things that truly matter to you.

Land your dream job

Become the top choice for employers, with your advanced skills shining brightly on your resume, opening doors to opportunities you've always aspired to.

Secure your next promotion/raise

Impress and exceed expectations, showing that you're ready for the next step in your professional journey.


Here's what you'll learn INSIDE of Path to Excel Excellence:

Let’s Get Started!
Watch This if You Want to Succeed
My Collection of Excel Cheat Sheets
Join My Private Excel Community
Before We Jump Right In
A message for you...
A fun challenge for you...
The Excel Excellence Framework
Your First Step...
Intro: Excel Basics & Shortcuts
1.1 - Excel Overview
1.2 - Excel Structure
1.3 - The Ribbon
1.4 - Customizing Excel for Efficiency
1.5 - Open The Workbook
1.6 - 10 Essential Excel Shortcuts
1.7 - Ultimate Excel Shortcuts Guide
1.8 - 7 Pro Sheet Tips
1.9 - 3 Copy & Paste Hacks
1.10 - Saving Workbooks
Excel Basics & Shortcuts Quiz
Module Challenges
Excel Basics & Shortcuts Challenge
Module 1 Feedback Survey
Intro: Inserting & Formatting Data
2.1 - Data Entry Hack #1: Fill Handle
2.2 - Inserting Repeating Values
2.3 - Data Entry Hack #2: Fill Series
2.4 - Data Entry Hack #3: Flash Fill
2.5 - 3 Step Formatting Process
2.6 - 3 Pro Formatting Tips
2.7 - 5 Formatting Shortcuts
2.8 - Cell Styles
2.9 - Custom Themes
2.10 - Center Across Selection
Inserting & Formatting Data Quiz
Inserting and Formatting Data Challenge
Module 2 Feedback Survey
Intro: Structured Tables
3.1 - Creating Structured Tables
3.2 - 3 Key Benefits of Structured Tables
3.3 - 2 Pro Table Tips
3.4 - 3 Pro Analytical Features
Structured Tables Quiz
Structured Tables Challenge
Enjoying the Course so far? Refer a friend and get your next course for FREE
Module 3 Feedback Survey
Intro: Cleaning Data
4.1 - 5 Ways to Filter Data
4.2 - 5 Ways to Sort Data
4.3 - Subtotals
4.4 - Removing Duplicates
4.5 - Find & Replace
4.6 - Removing Blank Rows
4.7 - Filling Blank Cells
4.8 - Text to Columns
4.9 - Hyperlinking
4.10 - Identifying & Fixing Errors
4.11 - 2 Pro Error Tips
4.12 - Paste Special
Cleaning Data Quiz
Cleaning Data Challenge
Module 4 Feedback Survey
Intro: Conditional Formatting
5.1 - Highlight Cells Rules
5.2 - Top/Bottom Rules
5.3 - Conditional Formatting Formulas
5.4 - Conditional Formatting for Data Visualization
5.5 - Comparing Data in a Worksheet
5.6 - Comparing Data Between Worksheets
Conditional Formatting Quiz
Conditional Formatting Challenge
Module 5 Feedback Survey
Intro: Utilizing Functions
6.1 - Cell Referencing
6.2 - Function Structure
6.3 - 2 Function Tips
6.4 - Text Functions
6.5 - Join Functions
6.6 - Statistical Functions
6.7 - Mathematical Functions
6.8 - Rounding Functions
6.9 - Logical Functions
6.10 - IFS
6.11 - Counting Functions
6.12 - Conditional Functions
6.13 - Date Functions Pt. 1
6.14 - Date Functions Pt. 2
6.15 - Mini Calendar Add-In
6.16 - VLOOKUP Part 1: Exact Match
6.17 - VLOOKUP Part 2: Non-Exact Match
6.19 - XLOOKUP Part 1: Exact Match
6.20 - XLOOKUP Part 2: Non-Exact Match
6.21 - XLOOKUP Part 3: Partial Match
6.22 - HLOOKUP
6.23 - UNIQUE
Ultimate Excel Functions Guide
Utilizing Functions Quiz
Utilizing Functions Challenge
Module 6 Feedback Survey
Intro: Creating Formulas
7.1 - Creating Basic Formulas
7.2 - Write Any Formula in 5 Steps
7.3 - Counting Unique Values
7.5 - Assigning Random Groups
7.6 - Dealing With Multiple Conditions
7.8 - Looking Up Values
7.9 - Hybrid Referencing
7.10 - 5 Pro Formula Tips
Creating Formulas Quiz
Creating Formulas Challenge
Module 7 Feedback Survey
Intro: Charts & Analytical Tools
8.1 - Analytical Tools
8.2 - Sparklines
8.3 - Inserting Illustrations
8.4 - Inserting Charts
8.5 - 6 Key Chart Types
8.6 - 6 Steps to Chart Customization
8.7 - 5 Pro Chart Tips
Charts & Analytical Tools Quiz
Charts and Analytical Tools Challenge
Module 8 Feedback Survey
Intro: Pivot Tables
9.1 - 3 Step Process for Building Pivot Tables
9.2 - Building Complex Pivot Tables
9.3 - Displaying Different Values
9.4 - Inserting Calculated Fields
9.5 - Filtering Pivot Tables
9.6 - Slicers
9.7 - Customize Slicers
9.8 - Show Details
9.9 - 3 Pro Pivot Table Tips
9.10 - Pivot Charts
Pivot Tables Quiz
Pivot Tables Challenge
Module 9 Feedback Survey
Intro: Power Query
10.1 - What is Power Query?
10.2 - Importing Files
10.3 - Importing Data From the Web
10.4 - Combining & Cleaning Files
Power Query Quiz
Power Query Challenge
Module 10 Feedback Survey
Intro: Reviewing & Protecting
11.1 - Reviewing Your Workbook
11.2 - Autocorrect
11.3 - Protecting Your Workbook
Reviewing & Protecting Quiz
Reviewing and Protecting Challenge
Module 11 Feedback Survey
Intro: Printing
12.1 - 6 Step Printing Process
Printing Quiz
Printing Challenge
Module 12 Feedback Survey
Your Last Step...
Intro: Automating Tasks
13.1 - What is VBA?
13.2 - Regular Macros Part 1
13.3 - Relative Reference Macros Part 1
13.4 - Regular Macros Part 2
13.5 - Relative Reference Macros Part 2
13.6 - Custom Highlight Shortcut
13.7 - Highlight Entire Row Shortcut
13.8 - 2 Common Macro Mistakes
Automating Tasks With Macros Quiz
Automating Tasks With Macros Challenge
Module 13 Feedback Survey
One final step...

Once you enroll...
you'll get LIFETIME ACCESS to $1,915 worth of features:

100+ Time-Efficient Training Videos

Step-by-step video lessons strategically designed to be concise but info-packed, so you can effortlessly master Excel tricks in minutes, not hours, freeing up more time for your important projects.

($997 Value)

100+ Practice Worksheets

Practical, hands-on worksheets, thoughtfully designed to complement the video lessons, ensuring you get the practice you need, allowing you to confidently tackle any task at work.

($287 Value)

13 Ultimate Real-World Excel Challenges

Fun, immersive Excel challenges that enhance your learning, enabling you to apply Excel confidently in real-world scenarios.

($267 Value)

Exclusive Access to The Private Excel Community

A private Facebook group to receive dedicated learning support, gain VIP access to me for all your questions, and connect with other professionals in a supportive community, enhancing your skills and career opportunities in the world of Excel.

($197 Value)

My Entire Collection of Excel Cheat Sheets & Guides

Easy-to-follow, downloadable PDFs serve as instant reference guides, helping you quickly identify and apply the appropriate Excel function, shortcut, or feature for any task, saving you valuable time otherwise spent searching online.

($167 Value)

If you watch just 15 minutes a day...

You can complete this entire course in just 30 days

And as a result you'll be able to CONFIDENTLY, EFFICIENTLY, & EFFECTIVELY:
  • Build professional spreadsheets from scratch
  • Manage, navigate, and clean large sets of data
  • Utilize 80+ powerful Excel shortcuts to save time
  • Use hidden Excel tools to make your job easier
  • Utilize 45+ practical functions (VLOOKUP, XLOOKUP, IF, and more)
  • Create and understand effective formulas
  • Identify trends quickly through conditional formatting
  • Analyze and compare data
  • Build effective pivot tables
  • Build compelling charts and tables for presentations
  • Transform large data sets with Power Query
  • Automate repetitive, labor intensive tasks with macros and AI

What my students are saying about this course...

In just 30 days, I am already seeing the results. Not only am I saving a ton of time and working more efficiently, I am also getting better results and data. I highly recommend this course.

This course took a fear of excel and turned it into a valuable tool that is enjoyable. I wasn’t just learning, I had fun! So much so that I have 3 of my direct reports taking the course now and have additional people from my work who may be taking it also.

Liz Tompkins

I'm already more confident using Excel and have been able to show my coworkers (who usually are the ones helping me) things that they didn't know about. I recommend this course to anyone!

I think beginners will become more confident with the basics, and more advanced/ long-time Excel users will benefit from a refresher, but also, all of the shortcuts will improve their efficiency! My boss has recognized my commitment to professional development, which is fantastic. I will be signing up for any future classes offered.

Julie Eufemi

The course exceeded all my expectations and equipped me with invaluable skills that have already made a significant impact on my work as a senior research officer in healthcare.

Would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to transform the way they use Excel. Grant’s course really helped me untap a lot of Excel features I didn’t previously know which has made me work more efficiently and increased my confidence navigating Excel.

Rima Tarraf

I feel much more confident in knowing more of how Excel works and am excited for the possibilities to show teachers and administration. I look forward to taking another course from him.

He is very receptive to questions and the feedback I left for him during the course. He responds quickly and easy to follow and understand on each video.

Becky Knox

My job requires repetitive work to be done and often takes up a long time to finish it. After this course, I’m able to get it done quickly.

The course is very detailed and understandable. It’s a matter of practice to get familiarized. I’m glad that I’ve joined the path to Excel Excellence. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot from it. It would definitely be useful for my work in future as well.

Elicia How

I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to better master the more powerful Excel features and be more confident in analyzing data quickly.

Jon Bishopp

I have always found excel to be intimidating so when I heard about this course I jumped on it. I am glad that I did because it was in investment on myself and I am grateful that I did.

Carla Miranda

I highly recommend taking this course to improve efficiency of working with excel. In fact, it has helped me take a 6 hour task down to less than 30 minutes. This course has greatly helped me in my daily task of tracking, sorting and finding trends in our business.

RJ Walser

This course has helped me save time at work by teaching me shortcuts in Excel, instead of having to use longer methods for my tasks.

Benjamin Seah

I highly recommend this course to any beginners or someone wanting to move from comfortable to exceptional.

Dialo Allen

I have watched many YouTube videos and many Instagram videos and you're the best teacher by far. I am very glad I took your course.

Will Jacobson

Thank you for your course, I can truly say it was worth the cost. After taking this course, I am able to do in seconds what it takes 5+ minutes for my colleagues to do!

Would recommend this course to anyone looking to better themselves at Excel or looking to take the next steps at a career change into a more analytical role. This guy Grant breaks everything down so well you can't help but learn it.

Kaleb Mandeville

I recommend anyone that looks at data take this class as it really shows how much information you can get and not spend hours doing it manually.

I have already started using it in our management meeting presentations. This course is very helpful and easy to follow. I like that it is broken into parts and there are workbooks and cheat cheats that I can practice with.

Angela Darling

100/100. I'm so very content with my decision to partake in this course, and to make sure that I completed the course in its entirety.

I tip my hat to you sir, you have created something out of this world, to take them from a beginner in excel into someone that can use their new skills to obtain a career beyond what they thought was possible. Thank you so much for this course.

Daniel Plunkett

I can do my work faster and make fewer mistakes when dealing with numbers. I can also make nice reports and graphs for my team and clients.

This course made my work life better because now I'm really good at using Excel. This course is awesome if you want to get really good at Excel. It teaches you useful stuff you can use right away. If you want to do your work better and faster with Excel, you should definitely try this course with Grant. Everything was superb. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sabiha Siddiqa

I feel like I have a chance at landing my dream job now!

When I decided to take a turn in my professional life, I quickly realized that nearly every position I wanted required a working knowledge of Excel. As a beginner, I knew I had to get busy with learning the application. I am so grateful to Grant for taking the time to create an all-encompassing program that is much needed in today's job market. I would tell others that this is the place to go if you want to get a real education that puts your foot into the door of opportunities that were previously unattainable for newbies like myself. One job posting for a managerial position literally wanted you to be "Excellent at Excel!" I feel like I have a chance at landing my dream job now! Thank you, Grant, for bringing your program to light!

Sarah Clifford

Great for finance!

It was good! Helps all levels with tips.

Ethan Sivalingam

This class was helpful and the best part was how it was laid out.

I followed Grant on TikTok and started getting his helpful Excel tips via email, which led me to want to learn more. This class was helpful and the best part was how it was laid out. His cheat sheets are fabulous too - well worth the cost of training. I'm glad I did.

Karen Wesson

I'm confident it will be helpful in my new job starting soon.

I knew EXCEL is a super useful tool but didn't really know how to use it effectively. I'm a beginner and found everything VERY helpful. I liked that it didn't take very long to complete. I found the course very informative and learned a lot. I'm confident it will be helpful in my new job starting soon.

Olga Mancillas-Pina

I would recommend others to Grant's excel course, it is a game changer!

Thank you very much, Grant! Your teaching is so good and efficient. I found it very good learning and worth trying! It helped me to figure out how other people handle the complicated (it seemed) Excel. I am more comfortable using Excel and have gained a positive mindset to learn macro, etc. I would recommend others to Grant's excel course, it is a game changer!

Tomoko Niitani

Worth the time, effort, and money!

Grant is very thorough and you can stop and start the video as you go through it. Also, Grant is able to see your progress as you go along. He is very responsive to emails, should you have any questions. This is a great course. Worth the time, effort, and money! It is very thorough. You definitely go step-by-step. I learned things I didn't know existed. I highly recommend this course.

Stephanie Scott

Shortcuts helped a ton!

Very informative. Shortcuts helped a ton!

Dave Callum

If you're new to Excel or just want to learn more, this is the course that will get you there!

Path to Excel Excellence is a great course. I went from Beginner to daily user in just 30 days. The fact that it's a lifetime purchase is awesome. Grant is great and he responded to all of my emails and answered my questions in a timely manner. If you're new to Excel or just want to learn more, this is the course that will get you there! Thanks, Grant.

Brian Singleton


  • 100+ Time-Efficient Training Videos (Value $997)
  • 100+ Practice Worksheets (Value $287)
  • Collection of Excel Cheat Sheets & Guides (Value $167)
  • 13 Ultimate Real-World Excel Challenges (Value $267)
  • Private Excel Community (Value $197)

Total Value $1,915

Yours For Just $297


What happens if I'm not happy with the course?

If in the first 15 days of your purchase, you aren't satisfied with what you've learned, you’ll receive a full refund!

Hi, I’m Grant!

I’m an excel enthusiast and a passionate teacher dedicated to helping you reach your fullest excel potential fast so that you can start saving time, simplifying your work, and advancing your career.

I launched Excel With Grant in 2022 to provide a quicker, easier path to learning Excel. Since then, I've grown a community of over 2,600,000 people on Tiktok & Instagram through bite-sized, information-packed Excel tutorials.

Now, I've made it my mission to help professionals like you unlock their fullest Excel potential fast. Together, we can transform your Excel skills so that you can save a ton of time, reduce your workload & stress, boost your confidence at work, and advance your career.

What people are saying about Grant's teaching…

Grant has become my 1st stop when I’m looking at solutions on how to use a command or option within Excel!

I’ve been using Excel for over 15 years…and when I thought I knew most of it, I found Grant! He provides tips and shortcuts that are super easy to follow. His explanations are clear and very helpful for the daily use of Excel. I really like his positive and cheerful approach to a tool that could be overwhelming for me at times!

Rosa Castro

Grant's quick tips saves time and gives me confidence as I analyze and organize my data.

What I appreciate about Grant is the way that he packages his Excel Tips. The videos are always Specific, short and full of EXCEL-lent information. His energy is always upbeat which keeps me as the learner interested.

Asher Reed

Even after taking some online classes, I still struggled some with the program but when I tell you that your explanations and real time tips are a blessing, it's an understatement.

I am absolutely thankful I found your videos. There are so many different formulas and shortcuts and you've helped me tremendously. I've used your videos to help create some muscle memory but keep bringing the heat with the videos! Thanks again.

JR Lozano

I am using Grant’s Excel Tips daily to support quicker execution on my excel usage.

WOW! As I have been using excel for years and thought I knew what I was doing, Grant’s tips blew my mind! When I needed a little support on an issue I had that he didn’t post, he was very responsive and supportive to my needs. =XLOOKUP saved me! Grant, thank you as you are the man!

Adam Chernow

I work in the finance department for a major Fortune 500 company...

so I use Excel spreadsheets literally every day of my life, and the tips that I’ve learned from this guy on instagram are amazing!

John Rizzotti

Grant's excitement and passion about what he is teaching you shows and is contagious!

I find his teaching style easy to follow, so when I saw he was creating a course, I knew it was the one for me! Grant's style is to walk you through not only the shortcut keys but also the clicks to get to where you're going. You can see his screen, what he is clicking on, and his face, so it feels like he is there with you, guiding you along. I think this helps engender a more personal connection.

Julie Eufemi

Am I Ready for Path to Excel Excellence?
You're probably a perfect match if:
You Aim for Career Growth

You're looking to move up, change jobs, or dive into data-focused work, knowing that sharpening your Excel skills can really boost your career chances.

You Want More Efficiency

You're familiar with Excel, but you understand that there's much faster and smarter ways to handle data, craft reports, and sift through information.

You’re Eager to Improve

You strive for growth in your ability to analyze trends, manipulate data, optimize workflows, and present data compellingly.

You're a Lifelong Learner

Whether you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond, you've got a wealth of professional experience and you're eager to add Excel mastery to your skill set.

You Aspire to be the Go-To Excel Expert

You aim to be everyone's first call for Excel help in your workplace, not just for personal gain but to lift your team's productivity by sharing your expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions
This course is designed for professionals in their 30s to 60s who are looking to boost their career, salary, and efficiency by mastering Excel. Whether you're in data analysis, project management, finance, or any field that uses Excel, this course is for you.
Yes, unlike live classes that require you to meet deadlines and be available at specific times, this course is entirely self-paced. You can take it whenever it suits your schedule.
Yes! In this course, I start with the fundamentals and gradually move on to more advanced topics. This approach ensures that even if you're a complete beginner or have forgotten the basics, you'll receive a thorough refresher before we take your Excel skills to the next level.
Yes, you’ll get a certificate after you complete the course! Don’t forget to put it on your resume and LinkedIn!
Absolutely! The course is designed for busy professionals. With efficient, targeted lessons, you can make significant progress by dedicating just a few hours a week.
You will have lifetime access! Once you buy the course, you’ll have access to all the training videos, course materials, and any future course updates forever!
You can use any version of Excel in this course. I do cover some things that only newer Excel versions have, but I also teach all the best alternatives to support those using older versions (both Windows & Mac work for this course).
The course is designed to be completed in just 30 days, with a mix of video lessons, practice worksheets, and real-world challenges to keep you engaged and learning fast.


  • 100+ Time-Efficient Training Videos (Value $997)
  • 100+ Practice Worksheets (Value $287)
  • Collection of Excel Cheat Sheets & Guides (Value $167)
  • 13 Ultimate Real-World Excel Challenges (Value $267)
  • Private Excel Community (Value $197)

Total Value $1,915

Yours For Just $297


What happens if I'm not happy with the course?

If in the first 15 days of your purchase, you aren't satisfied with what you've learned, you’ll receive a full refund!

© Copyright Excel With Grant 2023